For over 100 years, God has called CCC to be on the front lines of making disciples, reaching the lost in Omaha, and supporting God’s great mission to bring the best news ever to the least-reached people. When every person focuses on reaching one more in their neighborhood, school, or workplace, the kingdom multiplies. When we give to reach one more across Omaha and across the world, the growth is exponential and lasts for generations.
Our Vision
Reach One More is an evangelistic initiative centered around our DNA value of reaching one more and advancing God’s Kingdom one life at a time. Together, we can reach one more friend, coworker, or family member. Together, we can reach one more neighbor living in our city and one more unreached person living in another nation.
Because lost and hurting people matter to God.
We are uniquely positioned with influence and resources to reach people at CCC, in Omaha, and in the hardest-to-reach places on the planet.
ACTS 2:47B
Reach One More
Reach One More 〰️
Primary Goal:
100% Engagement
We challenge every person who calls CCC home to re-surrender to Jesus and his leadership for our next chapter of Kingdom impact.
Who in your sphere of influence is God inviting you to reach with the love and hope of Jesus?
What steps do we need to take to move away from our comfort zone and into a whole new experience of dependence on him?
How can we grow to a new level of generosity as an expression of our gratitude for what God has done for us?
Secondary Goal:
$12.2 Million
Over the next year, our goal is to raise a total of $12.2 million to increase our support of local and global missions, improve CCC venues to disciple people, and equip current and future generations to advance God’s Kingdom.
Core Ministry | $8.8 Million
Reach One More | $3.4 Million
➤ Multiply the CCC Deaf Ministry
➤ Refresh the CCC Student Center
➤ Expand the CCC Sports Ministry for kids -
➤ Invest in reaching overlooked children through local schools and Camp Rivercrest
➤ Create scholarships for future counselors
➤ Partner with organizations that care for hurting people -
➤ Participate in the “Green City” Initiative
➤ Serve least-reached nations through the Great Commission Fund
➤ Provide resources to plant 27 churches among least-reached

Make Your Commitment Today!
A Letter From
Minister Mark
As the COVID-19 pandemic drew to a close, the Christ Community Church elders began a season of prayer. We asked God, “In our post-Beyond Belief chapter, what is your vision for us as a church?”
Not only did we have a season of prayer, but we hosted over thirty focus groups with CCC members to ask what they were hearing from God. We sent the Management Team on two off-site retreats to sort through brainstorming lists. We asked the question, “What is CCC’s fingerprint?” In other words, most churches have similar visions of honoring Jesus and making disciples, but what are we uniquely positioned to accomplish?
After prayer, focus groups, and staff consultations, we determined CCC’s fingerprint to be the following:
We are located in the Omaha Metro.
We care deeply about people who have never heard of Jesus.
We are outrageously generous.
We frequently take faith-filled risks.
We are never satisfied with the status quo.
We have amazing ministries of care, counseling, and healing.
We are passionate to reach one more.
After 102 years of ministry, with a great campus and no debt, we could just coast into eternity content with the current state of affairs. We could sing nice songs, raise great kids, and make a few ripples. But the elders said, “No way!” We must press forward for the gospel, give our best, send our brightest, give sacrificially, and Reach One More. The Spirit is compelling us and we cannot resist.
We are launching a new era. This is not just a campaign for property or buildings, roofs or parking lots, but rather, it is an evangelistic initiative focused on reaching one more—one more here, one more there, and one more everywhere.
You are invited to join the Spirit and this upcoming journey at CCC.
Lead Minister